Thursday Apr 21, 2022
#339 John Clay Wolfe Show 02.19.22
No doubt about it neighbors, the Wolfe Pack is doing some heavy lifting in a world full of big messes to clean up--luckily, John C. has got some heavy equipment skills, AND heavy equipment! Ride along as we do our post-Superbowl LVI duties in news, sports, politics, pop culture and more...How did we like the NFL's 1st Hip Hop halftime show? Why do white ladies keep sneakin' around with their teenaged sons' friends (and did the Devil make them do it)? What are the former Commanders in Chief doing for Presidents Day Weekend? And when did Axl Rose become such an authoritative Beatles scholar? We'll dig into these and a LOT more stories, but first: if anyone's got a well-driven Saturn to sell, we're your pals. Throw in the CDB and we'll buy it! Thanks for coming to us first--and you're damn right, we appreciate your business neighbors, thanks for stopping by.