
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Join the Wolfe Pack on a wild ride through the course of a Halloween, complete with Rush, Keith Richards, DJ PreKay's new discovery "DJ Scat Pack" and a whole lot more! And yes, there's enough car talk to inform our bunch of diehards too, on this week's episode of the John Clay Wolfe Show. Boo!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
On this week's episode, our JCW Show boat is chock-full! While Johnny C. is buying cars like candy bars, the Wolfe Pack settles in for the full five hour delivery, now carried literally from coast to coast! With our old friends Hannah, Randy the Chipmunk, Keith Richards and more sitting in--PLUS, DJ PreKay has a few new rhymes (and a riddle or two), and yes gang, you are cordially invited to ride along! Have mercy.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
On this week's episode, we pay tribute to the late, great Eddie Van Halen. Plus, we've got a lot of laughs--and a bunch of cars! Catch up with our old friends Rush, Hannah the Stripper, and Keith Richards--PLUS, new characters like DJ Lockjaw and Mike Pence's pet fly?! You'll have a ball riding with the Wolfe Pack!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
This week's episode finds the Wolfe Pack landing on our newest, bestest affiliate station--Los Angeles' KLOS! And we're bringing the whole group--Rush, Randy, Keith Richards and more! Plus, Prekay's new rap tune, John and Turley's California "Road Report," and JD keeps us up with current affairs AND breaking news from the NFL. Hop on and take a ride with the Wolfe Pack!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
On this week's episode, we visit with all of our favorite old friends Randy the Chipmunk, Rush, Keith Richards, and even the Devil himself...PLUS, John's buying cars from far and wide--and speaking of far and wide, the Wolfe Pack has news about our next "big step" into the radio universe. Catch all that and more on this week's edition of the John Clay Wolfe Show. And don't forget to like and share with your friends, and grow the show!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
On this week's episode, we're living to give! One worthy Las Vegas listener will get a vehicle of their own from Give Me the Vin, absolutely free of charge--and our tagalong Wolfe Pack buds will get one hell of a fun mix of sports, laughs, and political punditry (from a damn near APOLITICAL angle). Plus, PreKay's got a new rap joint, and--who's that fella in the trick pants?! Hop in and ride with JCW!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
This week, we check in with our old friends the Prince of Darkness and others--and even some new ones, including Smokey the Bear! Plus, John runs down the trending car market (and shares how those trends affect his Auction Audio performances), shares great memories of his dear departed Dad, AND our Vegas car giveaway is tapped and ready for next Saturday!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Welcome to September! This Labor Day weekend, we are lake-ready, with your old friends Rush, Ramiro and the strangely exotic "Megaphone Man." Plus, inside skinny on what's going on in the wholesale market, a little sports talk, a barrel load of laughs. Take the Wolfe Pack with you for the ride, we are ready to party!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
This week, it's the JCW Show's 14th Anniversary on American airwaves--and John has a LOT of old friends and fellow radio folks calling in to wish us well. Not to mention, it's also Johnny C's birthday...and you know what that means: this one's a straight PARTY, start to finish. So raise a glass with us, and clap for the Wolfe Man!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
On this week's episode, the Wolfe Pack does our best to "get by" with our top News Guy, JD Ryan, off on vacation...Plus, we discuss the trending wholesale car market, throw in a little 'Current Affairs' chat, and healthy dose of faux conspiracy--AND John's still buying cars like candy bars! Come on in and sit a spell...we're glad you could make it!